Monday, September 6, 2010

What do Improv Comedy, Amsterdam and a Psychic have in common?

I went to a psychic recently. His name is Mike, Mike the Psychic. When it comes to psychics, I would probably put myself in the category of “intrigued, somewhat doubtful.” My motivation for going was to get a glimpse into what would make me feel fulfilled, why am I here exactly? (You know…on Earth. Clearly I wanted to start with the real easy stuff.)

I immediately had an affinity towards Mike when I met him.

He is kind, present, extremely connected and hip (this quality in particular is very important for any psychic!) Mike clearly has a gift for what he does. I envisioned hitting the town with him, engaging in scintillating conversation about my future over vodka tonics, telling my friends “Oh, yes, well MY psychic friend Mike told me…” As it were, for weeks following the chat with Mike, my friend and I joked “WWMD” or “What Would Mike Do” every time we had to make a decision, big or small. “What kind of coffee do you want?” “I don’t know, what do you think Mike would order?”

Here was Mike’s suggestion: Make a puzzle. Erg, come again? On every piece of the puzzle, Mike wanted me to write down one thing I love, that I am passionate about, that makes me feel alive. If I did this, the story of my life would become clear.

Like a good student, I made this puzzle. I even made it pretty. Nothing on the pieces particularly surprised me (it included things like helping clients reach their big goals, social good, international development, improv comedy, coaching, creating experiences, facilitation, deep connection, etc) It was a beautiful picture but not a clear story per se. So I waited. Weeks went by and nothing. Then one day…

I was having a hallway conversation with a colleague in a fairly non-descript office building in downtown Washington DC about career and life. I am pretty sure I interrupted her mid-sentence to say “Wouldn’t that be great if we could get paid to do improv comedy?” Where did this come from? While I have taken improv comedy classes, I am no Will Ferrell, nor do I necssarily aspire to be (but love your work Will!) But what I do love is the in the moment skills required in improv, and the creativity that arises when it happens. In fact, these are the qualities I hold dear in coaching as well. I received an email from this colleague the next day with a link to an improv consulting company in Portland that looked almost as hip as Mike. This site in turn led me to the Applied Improv Network.

The Applied Improv Network is a network of professionals who use improv and theatre techniques to foster creativity, adaptability within organizations. Who knew there was an entire network of people focused on this area? How radical. How fun. There is a conference happening of this group in a few weeks. I am going, and it took me about 1 second to decide (which told me something as well given typically I would plan for months for an international trip!)

I am not sure where this will lead, but I am excited and open. The puzzle was a sweet little song to the universe about who I am, and what makes me feel fulfilled. I feel the universe is now on my side, sort of like a little buddy. Or in this case, a very big buddy. It feels good to have a big buddy on my side.

And in case you were wondering, yes, I still make every life decision according to what Mike would want (that is a joke, sort of)


  1. I think "What Would Mike Do" shifted by the end of this article to "What Would Beebs Do"...and that's take life by the horns and fly to Amsterdam just to see what happens. Good luck Beebstaroni!

  2. love it beebs. beautifully written and fun to read! keep it up sista!

  3. Way to put your intention out there Beebs! I'm so proud of you.
