Monday, August 1, 2016


You’re an asshole
I mean, really
If I had friends like you
I would not need enemies
Living with you is like waiting for a bomb to drop
…every minute
of every day
And it does, on my head.
You whine
You cry
You whine some more
And then you cry some more
You want what you want
And you must have it
You are like a drug addict in need of a hit
Your hit is whatever whim crosses your undeveloped brain
You must have it
That car, that toy, your turn on the swing, your favorite song…
There is no one minute from now
There is no future
Just NOW
You can't have that thing?
Cue bomb
I want to tell you to shut the eff up;
But that would not be very mom-like
If we were lovers, our relationship would be called an abusive one
With you the abuser
And me the person you loves you so much I cannot leave
All of this, every day
Like groundhog day, spinning out over and over
But babe
You just flipped the switch
And in this moment
You look up through your tears
And throw your little fat arms around me
And tell me you love me
Now MY heart is bursting with crazy love for you
And all is forgiven, you sweet little asshole.